Community Guidelines!

MobiLine is a space to make kind connections in a safe, inclusive, and respectful way. In order to foster healthy and equitable relationships, we hold our members accountable for the way they treat each other.
Our Community Guidelines help keep our members safe. They make it clear what content and conduct is not acceptable.
Profile Guidelines
  1. Age. You need to be at least 18 years old to join MobiLine. Creating a profile that intentionally misrepresents you as being under the age of 18 is not allowed. We reserve the right to ask for your ID to verify your age, and we’ll block you from the platform if you’re underage.
  2. Profile Photos. We do not permit:
    • Profile photos of children on their own
    • Profile photos with unclothed children
Content and Conduct Guidelines
  • Adult Nudity and Sexual Activity
    We don’t permit nude, sexually explicit, or sexually vulgar profile content. We also don’t allow the commercial exchange of any romantic or sexual activity, content, or services, including attempts to sell, advertise, or buy adult sexual content.
  • Bullying and Abusive Conduct
    Our community is for creating kind connections. We don’t allow content or behavior that makes any individual or group feel harassed, bullied, or targeted. This includes belittling, insulting, or intimidating behavior; making unsolicited comments about someone’s appearance; engaging in emotional abuse; blackmail; repeated unwanted contact; or wishing, encouraging, or praising acts of violence.
  • Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
    We have a zero tolerance policy towards any form of child sexual exploitation and abuse. We don’t allow content that sexualizes or endangers children, real or fictional (e.g. anime, media, text, illustrations, or digital images). This includes any visual depictions or discussions of sexually explicit conduct involving a child. For the purposes of this policy, a child is anyone under the age of 18. It’s prohibited to upload, store, produce, share, or entice anyone to share child sexual abuse material, even if the intent is to express outrage or raise awareness about this issue.
  • Dangerous Organizations and Individuals
    We don’t permit organizations or individuals that proclaim, glorify, condone, or are known to support a violent, dangerous, or terrorist-based mission to have a presence on MobiLine.
  • Identity-Based Hate
    We aim to foster a diverse and inclusive community on MobiLine. We prohibit content or behavior that promotes or condones hate, dehumanization, degradation, or contempt against marginalized or minoritized communities based on the following protected attributes: race/ethnicity, national origin/nationality/immigration status, caste, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability or serious health condition, or religion/belief.
  • Misinformation
    We prohibit the sharing of demonstrably false or substantially misleading content that’s likely to cause serious harm or negatively impact individual or public safety. This includes content that directly contradicts information and guidance from leading and reputable global health organizations and public health authorities, false or misleading information on any civic process, and dangerous and unproven conspiracy-type theories.
  • Physical and Sexual Violence
    We don’t tolerate any content, imagery, or behavior that commits or threatens credible acts of physical or sexual violence. This includes physical stalking, using our platform to assist, facilitate or support exploitation or human trafficking, and sexual assault of any kind, which we define as unwanted physical contact or attempted physical contact that is sexual in nature.
  • Scams and Theft
    MobiLine prohibits any scam or theft activity intended to defraud or manipulate members out of financial or material resources. This includes requesting or seeking financial support, lying about your intentions for financial gain, or faking romantic intentions to deceive members out of financial or material resources.
  • Sexual Harassment
    We do not tolerate sexual harassment. We consider sexual harassment to be any non-physical, unwanted, and unwelcome sexual behaviors between members. This includes cyberflashing (i.e. sharing unsolicited sexually explicit images), in-person indecent exposure, sharing or threatening to share sexual or intimate images without the consent of the person involved or depicted, sending unwanted sexual comments or images, and fetishization.
  • Spam
    We do not permit any kind of unwanted or irrelevant content sent in bulk or high frequency. This includes sharing misleading or misdirecting links, creating an excessive number of accounts causing disruption to other members, or having multiple active profiles on our platform to engage in unwanted interactions.
  • Suicide and Self-Injury Promotional
    We care deeply about our members and understand that some may struggle with mental health, self-injury, suicidal thoughts, substance use, or eating disorders. While we do allow members to share personal experiences with these issues in a safe way, we don’t allow any content that depicts, promotes, glorifies, or assists in activities that could lead to suicide, self-injury, or disordered eating or body image.
  • Violent and Graphic Content
    We don’t permit violent, graphic, or gory content. This includes descriptions of violence in usernames or profile content, photos containing real or realistic-appearing blood, bodily fluids, or injury, or images depicting guns of any kind (except on a uniformed member of law enforcement or military personnel).
Platform Manipulation
We prioritize fostering a community built on genuine connections, so any attempts to artificially influence connections, matching, conversations, or engagement through the use of automation or scripting is strictly prohibited.
Safety Reporting
Safety is a top priority at MobiLine. We use a combination of human moderators and automated systems to monitor and review MobiLine accounts and interactions for content that may be against our Community Guidelines, against our Terms and Conditions, or otherwise harmful.
Our members play a critical role in the safety of MobiLine by reporting content or behavior that may violate our Community Guidelines. If anything happens that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, we highly encourage you to Block – or Block & Report – the member.
However, please consider that disagreeing with or disliking a member or their content is not necessarily a reason to report them. We may take action against a member if we’e found them to be intentionally creating false or inappropriate reports against other members solely based on their protected attributes. This includes reporting transgender or nonbinary members for no reason other than their gender identity or expression or repeatedly sending false reports of bad behavior.
Enforcement Philosophy
All members must comply with the platform rules described and referenced in our Community Guidelines. If you behave in a way that goes against MobiLine’s Community Guidelines, values, or otherwise act in any way we believe to be potentially harmful to MobiLine or its members, we may take a range of actions on your account. When determining the penalty for violating our community guidelines, we consider a number of factors.

For example, we may:

  • Remove the content
  • Issue a warning
  • Ban the offending member from some or all MobiLine apps
When necessary, we also may cooperate with law enforcement to assist in potential criminal investigations related to member conduct.
Your treatment towards others outside of the MobiLine app can also result in action against your account. If we’re made aware of harm between members on dates, meetups with friends, via text message or direct messaging platforms, or relevant alleged criminal or harmful conduct committed in your past or outside of MobiLine, we may take action as if it happened on our platform.
If you believe we’ve made a mistake in taking action on your account or content, you can always contact us here.
  • ‍Video Content Guidelines‍
    If a video isn’t yours and you don’t have permission to use, don’t add it.
    Your face has to be visible. No hiding behind your phone or your hair please.
    Absolutely no nudity or pornography.
    No videos of any type of illegal activity. That means no videos of drug usage or abusive and obscene behavior.
    No shirtless/ underwear Mirror Selfies.
    No watermarks or text overlaid over videos.
  • ‍Photo Content Guidelines
    If a photo isn’t yours and you don’t have permission to use, don’t add it.
    Absolutely no nudity or pornography.
    No photos of any type of illegal activity. That means no pictures of drug usage or abusive and obscene behavior.
    Bikinis and swimwear pics are only okay if you are outdoors; for example, in a pool or at the beach.
    No shirtless/ underwear Mirror Selfies.
    No watermarks or text overlaid over photos.
  • ‍Audio Content Guidelines
    Silence and noise-only audios are not allowed.
    Don’t record music you don’t have permission to use.
    Absolutely no nudity or pornography or obscenity.