Hire or Be Hired For The Right Job

With MobiLine!

Whether you are giving or taking interviews, MobiLine will help you to get the right candidate.

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Find the Right Job or the Right Candidate Whether you are seeking or accepting Interviews, MobiLine will help you to reach the right potential Employer or Employee. Employment Agencies can also search for Candidates.


Live Connections MobiLine is all about Live People and Live Connections. Meeting with new Employers or Employees has never been more inviting or rewarding.
Record personal Video Greetings – Choose how to present yourself to Potential Employers or search Video Greetings for Job Candidates.


Preview Incoming Video Calls See Who’s calling and what every Call is about before you answer. It’s the polite way to connect with your next Employer or Employee.


Secured Calls All MobiLine Calls are secured with state-of-the-art end-to-end encryption through a secured network channel.

Main Features

Record Personal Greetings

Choose how to present yourself to your Interviewers and record your personal greeting that will be shown to the right employer.

Preview Incoming Video Calls

See and hear what every call is about with our state-of-the-art video message that lets you preview before you connect. Simply open MobiLine and start connecting with your next employee or employer in seconds.

Live Connections

MobiLine is all about Live People and Live Connections. Meeting with new employer or employee and connecting with them, has never been more rewarding.

Secured Calls

All MobiLine calls are secured and end to end encrypted through a secured network channel.


You can now connect to new people from anywhere in the world. Whether you are looking for a new Job or looking for that big employer to expand your skills.

No Spam Calls

Connect with real, genuine users from around the world. Connect with people in your area or pick any location around the world. Connect with anyone & anywhere.

Share with Friends

Share best success stories or job interview videos on FB, Twitter, WhatsApp, and more.


Either chat one on one or create Job groups to be always connected on MobiLine App.

Secure Video Calling

Starting of a call a secure video channel is established. Video and voice are secured with end to end encryption through a secured network channel.

Your Search For the Right Job

Ends With MobiLine

Record personal greetings and choose how to present yourself with right skill sets to the Next Employer. Live connect for personal use and business. Connect with friends, or offer and search for services over a live, real-time communication.

Find The Right Employee

With MobiLine!

MobiLine helps Employers to search right profiles using Location,Description, Education,Title, Company and using Tags.Imagine getting to know a caller before you even pick up the phone! This is one of the key features that has made us one of the fastest growing communities.

MobiLine guides employers what It takes to really succeed in the business by adding face value to the voice through real time connections and elimating fake profiles,thus saving time and money.